Kevin Smith arbeitet an einem neuen Film über Jay und Silent Bob


Jay and Silent Bob

Kevin Smith wollte nach seinem FilmYoga Hosers und seiner Regiearbeit für Supergirl gerne einen dritten Clerks-Teil drehen. Allerdings wird es dazu nicht kommen, wie er via Twitter und Instagram mitteilte. Smith besitzt an Clerks nicht die alleinigen Rechte. Stattdessen will er sich seinen beiden Charakteren Jay (Jason Mewes) und Silent Bob (Kevin Smith) zuwenden, deren Rechte ihm wiederum gehören. Die beiden Figuren waren bereits 2001 die titelgebenden Helden des Films Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.

Jay und Silent Bob tauchten zum ersten Mal 1994 in Smith Regiedebüt Clerks auf und waren auch in diversen Fortführungen von Smith-Film-Kosmos (Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Clekrs II) mit dabei. Meist spielen die beiden Figuren in den Filmen nur eine kleine Nebenrolle. Zur Handlung seines geplanten Projektes äußerte sich Smith in seinen Post:

„Den ganzen letzten Monat hatte ich die lustigste Zeit meines Lebens beim Schreiben von Jay and Silent Bob Reboot. Eine Komödie, in dem die Jungs von Jersey nach Hollywood zurückkehren müssen, um einen brandneuen Reboot des alten Bluntman-and-Chronic-Films, den sie so hassen, zu stoppen."

Der Regisseur hofft, dass er bereits diesen Sommer mit den Dreharbeiten beginnen kann.

This is not a drill! This is an actual image from my laptop! Yes, Kids - @jayandsilentbob are coming back! Here's the story: Sadly, Clerks III can't happen (one of our four leads opted out of the flick). So I worked on a #Mallrats movie instead... which also didn't happen because it turned into a #Mallrats series. I've pitched said sequel series to 6 different networks only to find no takers thus far. Mind you, I'm not complaining: nobody gets to make EVERYTHING they wanna make in this business (do they?). And I've been lucky to make anything at all, there's so much competition out there, so many much cooler ideas from fresh folks. And besides: I had #comicbookmen and then @tuskthemovie and @yogahosers (which all came together so crazy quickly), and the podcasts and #fatmanonbatman. With all of that, how could I bitch about no Clerks III or Mallrats 2? Then when I started directing @thecw shows, it was such a slice of Heaven on Earth, I happily put my Askewniverse sequels to the side. Since I sold #Clerks and #Mallrats years ago, they're owned by others, which limits my moves with my own material. I don't mind: back in the day, all I ever wanted to do was sell my stuff so I could be in the movie biz in the first place. So I don't own Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy or #Dogma... But I DO own #jayandsilentbob. So while I love playing with someone else's new toys on @cwtheflash and @Supergirl, I'm getting eager to play with my old toys again in the inter-connected View Askewniverse I spent the first half of my career creating. And so all last month, I had the time of my life laughing while writing "Jay and Silent Bob Reboot" - a fun flick in which the Jersey boys have to go back to Hollywood to stop a brand new reboot of the old "Bluntman & Chronic Movie" they hated so much. It's a tongue-in-cheek, silly-ass satire that pokes fun at the movie business's recent re-do obsession, featuring an all-star cast of cameos and familiar faces! And I already met with the good folks at Miramax and they're into it, so I'm hoping we'll be shooting in the summer! Never give up, kids. You CAN do anything you want in life, so long as you're patient and malleable. #KevinSmith

Ein von Kevin Smith (@thatkevinsmith) gepostetes Foto am

Jay & Silent Bob schlagen zurück (HQ-Trailer-2001)

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